Five Ways to Find Out — Is Website Hosting Provider Your Friend?

Learn & Grow
5 min readJul 3, 2021

The web hosting company you pick to store your website and provide access to the World Wide Web should be your friend. Your web host should take your interests first place. After all, if your website business flies to success, your website host shares in that success with a steady client base.

Now the question, how do you know your web host is your true friend or just a service provider that charges your business credit card. It’s not always easy to recognize, but you can know a lot by studying around a little before you sign up. Here are few ways:

1. Genuine People Helping Genuine People

If you’re starting in the web world and launching your first site, wouldn’t it be right to have someone you could call with questions? Someone with infinite patience? Someone who understands that your web success is the source of the web host’s success? And you desire access to that friend’s help 24/7. You want someone to teach you how to install a blog or help you installing a secure checkout — step by step, even if it takes all night.

A web host that wants to be friends offers that level of service. Web hosts that are less “friendly” limit access to some hours. They charge you to pay for the call. Some of them don’t even have telephone or tech support. If you have a problem or query, you have to leave the web hosting company an email. They will get back to you very quickly. In the meantime, your website isn’t getting developed. You are waiting for a long-distance email reply from tech support — and guaranteed half of the time answer doesn’t solve the problem.

Perform a little research ere you register your website domain name and sign a long-term agreement. Any new investment is a risk, so work with a web host company that puts you first, answers questions (even the stupid ones). Also, they provide downloadable guides to help you create and maintain a quality website.

Is Website Hosting Provider your friend? Well, not if they sell your email address. Not if they lock you into a contract for a long time.

2. Does Your Website Hosting Provider Offers Free SSL Security?

If you’re selling products or services or collecting sensitive customer information (like a credit card), you require a secure website that sends and receives information that’s encrypted. So hackers can’t steal it.

A website hosting provider that doesn’t care about the success of your business will make you take your SSL certification to build a secure site capable of maintaining sensitive client data. It costs more money.

On the other hand, a web host rooting for your success helps you reach that success by giving you piggyback on their SSL certification. Your server is secure, so your website is secure. Thanks to a friendly web hosting provider and active partner in your website success.

3. Would a real friend leave you high and dry?

There are many web hosting providers from which to choose. Some of them are host resellers who buy disk space at wholesale rate and sell it at retail. So you don’t identify who’s hosting your website.

Some of these less-than-best friends are in the business of collecting client data and splitting for the coast. In the middle of the night, while you were sleeping, your web host closed up shop and took down the server, and now has all of your client information that they can sell on hacker websites.

A quality web host is here today, here tomorrow, and here for years to come. Now that’s a real friend.

4. How long has the hosting company been around?

You study for a long history of web-based success. Look for a company that’s been delivering hosting services for a long time and has management in place to supervise an expanding client base efficiently.

A provider that seems after its clients stick around understands how to treat clients. They even understand how to help clients achieve web success to something good for the client and host.

5. Does The Web Hosting Provider Kick You To A More Expensive Pricing Tier To take More Disk Space?

You rent disk space from your web host. Most web hosts have pricing tiers based on the amount of disk space you take on the server and what features you are willing to pay.

Some web hosts believe it’s unfair to make you pay more for space and features that you don’t require or plan to use. So, many best web hosts have created a system that supports you to grow at your own pace without paying for a few more gigabytes that you won’t use, even though you’re paying an extra charge a year for that dead zone.

Instead, purchase space a gig at a time. And when it is time to move up big time, you move to the next tier to save money. A good web host understands what is good for a website owner, and these web hosts customize their services to suit you.

So grow fast or slow, a good provider will work with you every step of the way. The less-friendly web hosts don’t do this. You need more disk space, you move up to the next pricing tier, whether you require all that extra space or not. In other words, you’re wasting money. When you’ve taken a “penny jar” funds, every penny counts.

Final verdict

I find Bluehost the best for the price and the value offered.

According to my experience, If you’re running a WordPress site you should consider the best-suited Bluehost plan that is advanced for WordPress and also considers your business needs.

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